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Friday, 2 February 2018

Vampire Farmer - Penny Farthing Mystery - Chapters Eleven and Twelve


Ben Meets Penny In The Cemetery

That night at play rehearsal Ben could not concentrate, it did not help that they were working on complicated part of a romantic scene.
‘Mary, please.’ Ben stood, walked to the stage. ‘Get into character.’ 
Mary Monroe started to cry. ‘It’s not me, it’s him.’ She pointed to Wally. ‘I have to kiss him, and he has me I don’t know where I am.’
Wally hadn’t lived in the area long. Nobody knew much about him except his wife had died a year previously, and his brother was the vicar. No-one knew him well enough to tell him about his halitosis. Even Ben couldn’t broach the subject. Ben couldn’t be sure but he thought Wally had been in the cemetery a few nights back with the vicar and other members of the village. Ben’s thoughts took him back to the previous night in the cemetery. What if Wally was one of the three? It was no good he could not concentrate. 
‘Tell you what Mary,’ he said, ‘why don’t you come up to the farm and I’ll go through some movements one-to-one? See if that helps.’ 
‘Will tomorrow do?’
‘Make it tomorrow afternoon. Have to plough in the morning.’
‘Will do,’ Mary said all of a quiver. Although she thought she didn’t need extra coaching, she would relent this time and accept help, not wanting to let the team down.
‘Make that do for tonight. See you all next time,’ Ben said. ‘Thanks folks.’
Heading home Ben stoped at the cemetery. He parked the Land Rover out of sight and walked the last stretch. ‘Bloody creaky gate,’ he cursed as he unlocked the catch. ‘Needs a spray of oil.’ It was a calm night with a whispers of mist hanging. Perfect for vampires. Ben rubbed his hands together. He walked up to the spot where the group had been digging. All was quiet. He turned to go back to the gate.